Re: Lotus Notes Encryption Strategies

Perry E. Metzger (
Tue, 14 Mar 1995 17:00:01 -0500

Software Test Account says:
> I have been looking at the methods used by Lotus Notes to do encryption on
> its mail transfers.  It seems to use RC4 (Rivest Cipher) for domestic
> communications and RC2 for international communications.

No, it just uses RC4 for both and uses 40 bit keys for international work.

> In the tech notes that I have, it would seemt that RC2 uses a 128bit key and
> RC4 uses a 256bit key.
> Both these keys seem rather small in comparison to something like PGP's
> 1028bit key.
> Is this a valid concern/criticism?

No, because the key lengths between the methods are not commensurate.
